Memo to self
Thamesdown Transport must feel like they’re going round in circles at times, even whilst sat in their own offices. One of their comments on the Swindon Central Area Action Plan got a less than helpful reply. (It’s on page 80 if you don’t believe me.)
Ref No
312 Thamesdown Transport
Objection summary
We would remind the Council that cross-town bus services provide some important links – eg to/from the Great Western Hospital – and need to be maintained in any review of town centre traffic management.
Thamesdown Transport is responsible for the bus service within Swindon, and is currently consulting on a proposed new bus network for Swindon for implementation October 2007. Your comments have however been noted and will be forwarded on to Thamesdown Transport.
Next time you want to contact Swindon Borough Council, just try talking in front of a mirror instead.