Tuesday, 4 November 2008
Annie’s bill amendment
As it will, no doubt, be subject to a considerable amount of spin, below is the text of the amendment (number 48) that Ms Snelgrove has had inserted into the Climate Change Bill.
Insert the following new Clause—
“Report on the civil estate
- It is the duty of the Office of Government Commerce to lay before Parliament each year a report setting out the progress Her Majesty’s Government has made towards improving the efficiency and sustainability of its civil estate.
- The report must include the progress made towards—
- reducing the size of the civil estate;
- improving the sustainability of the buildings that already form part of the civil estate; and
- ensuring that any new buildings procured for the civil estate are in the upper quartile of energy performance.
- Where any new building procured for the civil estate is not in the upper quartile of energy performance, the report must state the reasons why this is the case.
- A report under this section must be laid before Parliament not later than 1st June in the year in which it is to be so laid.”
I leave you, for the moment, to judge for yourselves whether it matches Ms Snelgrove’s current rhetoric or earlier intent.
Anne is therefore intending to table an amendment with the provisions of her Bill at the Report Stage of the Climate Change Bill. The amendment will require all newly procured central Government buildings to have an energy efficiency rating of A or B in accordance with the energy rating system used for Energy Performance Certificates.