Look around you!

Mr Greenhalgh seems to be long on knock-about yaa-boo politics and short of eyesight. He’s quick to criticise Mr Montaut.

I’m disappointed that, as with the Christmas Tree on the Magic Roundabout, Councillor Montaut believes that the people of Swindon are going to damage something just because it’s there.

Look around you, Mr Greenhalgh. Have you not noticed the graffiti tags that deface much of our town? Have you forgotten your statement to Council in April of last year?

Councillor Peter Greenhalgh responded that, in relation to Graffiti, evidence had been provided in 15 cases resulting in 7 convictions, a number of cautions and other cases remained on going.

Mr Montaut may often seem to be a bit of a joke and more interested in the concerns of the residents of north Swindon — where he lives — than with those of central Swindon — which he is meant to represent. But that doesn’t mean those residents’ concerns should be glibly dismissed.

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